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Theme:Development and research of structure of the electronic system of heat-and-power engineering parameters of refrigeration technique in the conditions by  «NORD»  

       Leader:  V. I. Burkivchenko

The author's abstract


     Operational properties RT are defined by their heat power parameters (HPP), such as ability to support simultaneously in various branches demanded temperatures, a current consumption, etc. On the same parameters is defined also a parameter of power efficiency RT - the class энергопотребления RT. от qualities of tests in many respects depends quality both developed models RT, and finished goods. Therefore definition and control HPP RT (further heat power tests) is carried out at the enterprises " Groups the NORD" at all stages of creation and manufacture RT. For this purpose the automated systems, such as are created and used various to destination, to characteristics and structure:

- The automated system of tests of refrigerating devices (ASTRD) - for carrying out of acceptance tests (CAT) all RT, acting from assembly conveyors of manufacture of assembly of refrigerators;

- Station of selective control HPP RT (SSC) - for carrying out of selective quality assurance of carrying out CAT by automated specified definition HPP RT, past CAT;

- The automated system for heat power tests RT (ASHPT RT) - for carrying out of research and all kinds of control tests RT (Joint-Stock Company " DIRТ").

     Within the limits of the works spent by joint-stock company " NORD" on transition on hladon which does not destroy an ozone layer, modernization of test base for its finishing up to a level of requirements of the world standards, improvement of quality and efficiency of carrying out of tests is spent also. It also defines a urgency of the given work.

     The purpose of work

     The purpose of work is development and research of structure of system of heat power tests of refrigerating technics and optimization of technology of the control of heat power parameters RT in conditions of assembly manufacture of Joint-Stock Company " NORD" for improvement of quality and efficiency of carrying out of acceptance tests RT.

     Problems of work

     Realization of an object in view provides the decision of such problems:

- The analysis of heat power processes in RT;

- The analysis of system HPP RT and requirements to them;

- Definition of problems of measurement and control HPP over various stages of creation and manufacture RT;

- The analysis of methods and means for definition HPP RT;

- Development of mathematical model of processes in RT during CAT

- Research of features of is functional-structural organization ASTRD;

- Research of technology of the control of heat power parameters RT in conditions of assembly manufacture of Joint-Stock Company " NORD";

- Research of dependences of heat power parameters from an ambient temperature;

- Definition of optimum values of criteria of decision-making on results of tests and duration of tests from an ambient temperature;

- Development of a microprocessor test column for ASTRD.

     Methods of research

     At performance of researches and development are used:

- Methods of the is functional-structural analysis and structural synthesis of complex systems;

- Statistical methods of processing of experimental data;

- Methods of the theory of measurements;

- Methods of designing of microprocessor systems.

     Prospective scientific novelty

     Developed mathematical model

Developed of algorithm carrying out CAT for model RT.

     Prospective practical value

     Application of results of researches will provide improvement of quality and efficiency CAT RT (reduction of duration of tests, increase of a degree of automation of carrying out CAT, reduction of the miss of marriage).

     The developed test column for ASTRD will provide increase of accuracy at carrying out of heat power measurements.

     The basic results of work

     Expected results of the executed researches and development:

- On the basis of the analysis of methods, means and problems of definition HPP features of is functional-structural organization ASTRD for carrying out CAT RT in conditions of Joint-Stock Company " NORD" are investigated;

- The mathematical model of processes in RT during CAT is received;

- Optimum values of criteria of decision-making on results of tests and duration of tests from an ambient temperature for one of models RT are certain;

- The technology of the control of heat power parameters RT is advanced at carrying out CAT in conditions of Joint-Stock Company " NORD";

- The scheme of a microprocessor test column is developed.

     Application of the received results will provide expansion of functionalities of a test complex, improvement of quality and degrees of automation of tests.                                                            

     List of sources

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