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Elena Fomina

Theme of master's work : "Assessment of influence of sewage on ecosystem of river Osykova"

Leader: Candidate of chemical sciences Troshina E. A.


The Problem of the environmental protection at present concentrates attention of the researchers of the whole world. The Rash growth of the population, increase the areas of the irrigated husbandry, as well as urbanization and industrialization have brought to unprecedented use of water resources. In recent years the volume of the contamination increased, which get to reservoirs from agriculture - a waste stock-breeding, fowling, enterprises, which process the agricultural raw material, etc. For instance, volume of the sewage of oil industry in 2000 approximately formed 50,0 mln. m3. In this connection important modern problem was chosen. This problem connected with the contamination natural basin and agricultural areas by sewage of enterprises, which process to agricultural product, as a result of activity which sewage are formed, which are thrown in natural basins. There are plants on production vegetable oil - sunflower, linen, palm and others.


Cleaned sewage of the plant on conversion sunflower seeds are thrown in river Osykova (the influx r. Dnepr - a main waterway of the Ukraine) in Petrovsky region in Donetsk. Besides, river Osykova is realized unset of mineral mine water of the mines: Trudovskaya, Chelyuskina and home sewage of villages Ostriy, Maksimiliyanovka, Aleksandrovka, which are not enough cleaned. Follows to note that all length of river gets the unrefined rain sewage from nearest area. So, ecosystem of river Osykova requires the complex estimation and development recommendation on its base on improvement of the condition this river.

Purpose and problems of estimation

Under ecological estimation of ecosystem one of the most information object of study is a bottom sediments. They accumulate contamination, which get in river for the long-lasting period. So bottom sediment is an indicator of the ecological condition of ecosystem, integral factor of level of pollution. Follows to take into account also that under determined condition bottom sediment can become the source of the secondary contamination of the water. So purpose of the study is a complex ecological-toxicological estimation both water, and bottom-postponing of river with high human loading.
The Problems:
  1. Processing the literary sources on problem of the complex estimation urban basin.
  2. The Assimilation of the sampling methods, methods of hydrochemical, toxicological analysis and determination to toxicity of water and bottom postponing by biotesting.
  3. The Complex ecological-toxicological estimation of the condition of water and bottom postponing r. Osykova in region of the plant on conversion sunflower seeds.
  4. Defining conclusion and presentation recommendation for improvements of the condition basins in region of the plant on conversion sunflower seeds.

Scientific novelty

In hydrological attitude river Osykova isn't studied enough. For feature of its mode the river-analogues are used. In hydrochemical attitude this river is studied less, since it pertains to small rivers, which practically isn't spared attention on state level. The Complex estimation ecosystem this river in general was not conducted. So data, which will be received on completion of the exploratory work, will be new in principle.

Practical value

Practical value of results, which will be received, concludes in their usage at the standardization human loads on the river. In particular, materials can be used when designing new enterprise (their systems of water cleaning) in the pool of Osykova, as well as for tightening standards for existing enterprise water-users.

List of the undecided problems and questions

Coming from analysis material and developments on subject, follows to say that the most studying objects are ecosystems of large rivers such as Dnepr, Dnestr, Danube, South Bug, Severskiy Donets, West Bug [1]. The big amount of the methods for estimation hydrochemical factors of natural water exists. However in recently more often resort to hydrobiological metods of studies water quality (biotesting and bioindication) because they are capable to give the complex estimation of the influence of contamination, which are put into basin, on ecosystem operation [2]. Unlike physico-chemical methods of the determination polluting material, methods of bioindication and biotesting in Ukraine have been weakly studied yet. For estimation of relative toxicity of water and bottom postponing national normative documents recommend to use the laboratory culture Daphnia magna. High vascular plants - an onion usual Allium cepa, salad sowing Lactuca sativa, are offered as sensitive test-objects by Canadian laboratory on program WaterTox. This methods are described in standard for countries EU. In Ukraine by questions of the development of the methods biotesting concerns with the Kiev institute of hydrobiology, which employees have offered microkernal test as method of the estimation water genetoxicity.

Current and planned results

The Tests of water and bottom postponing were sampled at the end of the April 2006 according to the standard methods [3, 4].
For studies of the test of water was selected by the plastic Molchanov's batometr volume 4 l, bottom postponing - by Peterson's dredg with area of the seizure 0,025 m2. The Tests of the layer of water were selected at the depth 5-10 cm to surface. It Was Selected surface layer of the bottom postponing by power 1-5 cm.
Thereby, it was selected 3 tests of water and 3 tests of the bottom postponing: one test is in point of the unset cleaned industrial sewages, two other points - on 200 m above and below the first point of the selection of the tests.
The Analysis of the tests was conducted on the base Doneck branch of the Ukrainian State ecological institute of environmental protection ministry in analytical laboratory of the sewage and industrial wastes.
Hydrochemical analysis was conducted according to the standard methods: pH [5], dry remainder [6], acerbity [7], nitrates [8], nitrites [9], ammonium [10], COD [11], BOD5 [12], heavy metals [13], oil [14].
The results of the analysis of water are presented in table 1.

Table 1 - The Results of the analysis of Osykova water in April 2006
Water quality factors Above output of the sewage Output of sewage Below output of the sewage
pH 7,6 8,0 7,4
Weighted material, mg/dm3 14 9 18
Dry remainder, mg/md3 2856 840 2550
BOD5, mg О2/dm3 4,2 4,0 4,0
COD, mg О2/dm3 31 29 28
Nitrogens ammonium, mg/dm3 less 0,11 less 0,11 less 0,11
Nitrates, mg/dm3 13,5 74,2 21,8
Nitrites, mg/dm3 less 0,03 less 0,03 less 0,03
Dissolved phosphates, mg/dm3 less 0,05 0,77 0,27
Oil, mg/dm3 less 0,03 less 0,03 0,3
Toxicity for Daphnia Magna [15] Is absent quiping chronic

The Tests of the bottom postponing were analysed on contents heavy metal for the reason determinations bottom cumulation factor, as well as on contents in them oil, nitrate and sulphate.
The results of the analysis of the bottom postponing are presented in table 2.

Table 2 - Results of the analysis of the bottom postponing r. Osykova in April 2006
Factors quality of bottom postponing Above output of the sewage Output of sewage Below output of the sewage
Sulphates, mg/kg 5,2 7,4 7,6
Nitrates, mg/kg 33,2 - 30,6
Oil, mg/kg 538,0 16,0 6,2
Zinc, mg/kg 914,9 96,0 30,0
Copper, mg/kg 46,39 5,50 0,40
Lead, mg/kg 1,3 7,8 4,5
Cadmium, mg/kg 0,28 0,36 0,10
Manganeses, mg/kg 7,7 5,5 2,5
Chromium, mg/kg 1,7 0,5 0,3
Nickel, mg/kg 34,0 1,5 0,3

For estimation of relative toxicity of water and bottom postponing was used laboratory culture Daphnia magna, recommended by national normative document. Using of this culture is recommended by many author [16, 17, 18].
They Are Planned also conduct biotests of water and bottom postponing on two methodses else:
Undertaking to serieses experience on different test-object allows not only to find contamination, but also realize its reason and nature of pollutants. Herewith follows to note that only complex biotesting enable in greater depth to value the quality of water or bottom postponing [21].


Analysis of presented data shows that most contribution of the plant on conversion sunflower seeds consists in contamination r. Osykova by oil. This is graphically seen on concentrations of oil in bottom postponing in place of the unset of the sewage. Follows also to note that output of the sewage in river brings about increasing of the contents of chromium and lead in bottom postponing.
Thereby, the material of the studies will enter in work on above-mentioned methods in September 2006 for reception more total picture of the condition ecosystem r. Osykova and shaping conclusion and recommendation on improvement its ecological condition.


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