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Master DonNTU Boussaadoun Souheil ben Mouhamed

Boussaadoun Souheil ben Mouhamed

Computering Information Technologies and Automation

Telecommunication Systems and Networks

Theme of master's work:
Designing GSM segment of a network for the national operator of mobile communication Tunisie Telecom

Leader of work:Bessarab V.I.

Materials on the theme of master's work:
My biography Dissertation Library Links Report about the search Individual task



My name is Boussaadoun Souheil. I was born in the Tunisian city Bizert which is in the north of my country. This city has ancient history and it is the tourist center, therefore there are always a lot of tourists from the different countries in it.

Studying in Tunis differens from a Ukranian. For example, since three years I have gone to special religious school Koteb in which we studied the Koran. Then there was a kindergarden and school in which studying passed only in French.

After its termination there has come the period of lyceum, after which all pupils pass very difficult baccalaureate examination in all subjects for all years of studying. Reception of a good estimation by its results is a holiday not only for children, but also for their parents, because by results of this examination there is a distribution on specialities and transfer in university. The most prestigious for us study in the state HIGH SCHOOL. But it is impossible to enter in it without good estimations.

From school years I was involved always with engineering science, certainly it is because of work of my father, therefore, I have solved for myself what should be my future trade and, that it should be connected with telecommunications.

The desire to go to study to Ukraine has arisen spontaneously. There are many my friends already studied, and I heard only good responses. So the new stage in my life has begun…

The first year in other country was very difficult: a new language, other culture, other mentality. But gradually I began to get used to all and already began to notice the positive moments of my training in other country. Here I became independent. More and more learning the new country, I even began to allocate some positive moments which does not suffice in my country.

Now I study on the fifth rate of Donetsk National Technical University as specialities " Telecommunication systems and networks ". I am engaged in a writing masters work on a theme: " Designing GSM segment of a network for the national operator of mobile communication Tunisie Telecom ". The theme has been chosen by me, because the GSM technology finds wide application in my country and promptly develops.

At this stage for myself I have solved, that my future work will be connected with the telecommunications, therefore I try to put as much efforts as possible in learning this direction. I also would like, that my future work will be interest for me first of all.