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Master of Donetsk National Technical Univercity 2006 Bidjuk Marina

Master DonNTU

Faculty of: Physico metallurgical and French technical faculty

Speciality: "Ecology of metallurgy "

Theme of master's work: The analysis of the savings of resources, savings of energy and improvement of technological actions on recycling secondary resources of electrosteel-smelting manufacture

Leader: Volodymyr Vasilevich Kochura

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Marina Dzhemalovna
Surname: Bidjuk
Address: 79/2 str. Talalihina
Telephone: 80968242804
Date of birth 19.06.1984
Place of birth t. Donetsk Donetsk region Ukraine
September 1991 – June 2001 School 132 of Donetsk
September 2001 – July 2005 The bachelor's degree on a speciality " Ecology of metallurgy "
February 2003 – February 2006 The bachelor's degree on a speciality "Finance"
September 2005 Magistracy of Donetsk National technical University on a speciality “ Ecology of metallurgy ”
February 2006 Has acted on financial faculty for reception the diploma the expert.
Languages Native Russian, Ukrainian, professional level of French, initial level of English
THE PERSONAL COMPUTER The user of the personal computer, work with programs STATISTICA 6.0, MicRosoft PowerPoint, HTML 3.2, etc.
Operational experience Bank, processing of documents under credits
Personal qualities Responsible, purposeful, sociable.I appreciate in people honesty, kindness of soul, validity and the responsibility.
Hobbies Visiting of drama theatre, reading of historical novels