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Master's degree work


I was born on October, 23, 1984 to Donetsk, Ukraine. In 1991-2001 I was studying in Donetsk comprehensive school of I-III stages ¹70 with physics and mathematical bias. Favorite subjects for me steel mathematics, biology, geography.

In 2001 I have entered Donetsk National Technical University on Physic-Metallurgical Faculty on a specialty “Physical Materials Science”.

In April 2005 I participated in department conference of Material Science with report «The research of structure and properties of steels 35HGSA and AISI 8620». In May 2005 I took part on IV International Conference in Donbass Academy of Building and Architecture where made presentation. I have 4 publications.

In 2004 has received the bachelor's degree and has continued formation in magistracy.

The theme of master's degree work is "Research of influencing of deformation-thermal influence on a structure and properties steels 35HGSA and AISI 8620 ".

Supervisor –Associated Prof. Petrushak Svetlana Vasylievna.

I have skills of work with the package Office, package of the statistical analysis Statistica, the Photoshop editor, by the program of treatment and analysis of the ImageTool images, TBLRCURVE.