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Glass is one of major artificial materials, firmly included in a culture, way of life and technique of people of whole world.
It the glass dignities are: high transparency not changing in time, chemical sluggishness allowing to apply different cleaning facilities, no less high firmness to abrasive influences, giving possibility to the glass surfaces to save blameless original appearance practically unlimited time. One of the important qualities of glass, at the use in large public buildings and buildings, is also its firmness to ignition - glass does not burn and select doesn’t toxic gases at heating.

In connection with the growth of modern building the hard requirements to traditional silicate materials are given more, both in quality, and on aesthetic indexes, that cause the necessity of creation of new materials.

Ris.1 Presentation of the painted
9-shots, 6-reiterations

Interest to transition from mass building to individual architectural building rises, and, consequently, artistic approach to the design of building grows, to the increasing of production of wares of the economic-domestic and decorative-artistic setting.

One of ways of rise of aesthetic-decorative properties is the usage of the painted materials and wares with decorative coverage, including glassy. Decorative coverage’s are inflicted on glass products with the purpose of rise of its artistic-aesthetic indexes. In accordance with GOST 30407-96 decorative is decor inflicted on good as dekoli, and also as a picture or coverage by silicate paints, preparations of precious and other metals, diffuse painting, by an embankment from fusible glass.

For painting of glass at melting of it in stoves in glass mass the special dyes are given - the natural stained glass painted in mass is so received. For this purpose the clean oxides of metals of variable valency and their connections are usually used. Thus coloring is conditioned by absorption of light due to d-d transition of electrons or due to the transfer of charge. This inherently only for connections of transitional elements. It is explained to those, that either the unfilled orbital or not coupled electrons have in the ionic state of d-elements. Transition of electrons on other power level causes intensive absorption of light. Ability of ions of these elements to paint glass is the basis of production of the industrial stained glasses. Painting ability is conditioned by the presence of wide bar of absorption in ultraviolet and, partly, in visible part of spectrum. Transferred below oxides give the following colors: the oxide of iron is green, brown, red; the oxide of copper is light blue red; the oxide of cobalt is light blue; the oxide of nickel is purple in potassium glass; the oxide of chrome is rather yellow-green. A definite tint relies not only on the quantity of dye-stuff, but also from the character of glass or terms of melting.

However in most cases these connections are expensive and scarce. Therefore replacement of expensive materials on more cheap is a very actual task.

Purpose of work: to get the beautiful painted glasses with the use by means products.

Basic tasks of work:

  • to pick up composition of dyeing by means components in glass for the receipt of beautiful colors descriptions;
  • to define basic properties of the painted glasses;
  • on the basis of the got results to do the analysis about the fitness by means materials as dyes.


    2. Experimental part

    We tried on the basis of fusible borosvintsovosilikatnogo glass an attempt to get the painted glasses on the basis by means products containing dyeing components is undertaken. As dyeing materials the wastes of leather production, containing connections of chrome, and also worked catalysts chemical compositions of which are resulted in the table 1., were chosen

       Tablitsa1-Himicheskiy composition of dyeing materials

    СоО Fe2O3 Al2O3 Na2O MoO3 Cr2O3 MgO NiO CaO SiO2 ппп
    The worked catalysts:GО-70
    5,02 0,24 68,9 0,4 12,3 - - - - - 13,14
    The worked catalysts:GIAP--3-6Н
    - - 86,64 - - - - 5,22 - - 8,14
    Chromic departure of leather production
    - - - 22 - 29,8 4,48 - 3 1,28 39,441

    A charge was prepared on the basis of red lead, boric acid, sand and in each of which adopted dyeing by means materials in a quantity 2,5 were entered higher; 5,0; 7,5 (the masses. %) accordingly. We got 9 charges.

    Melting of glasses was carried out in an electric mufelnoy stove at the temperature 1200°C. Verification of readiness of glass mass for making was determined by a test "on a filament" and small "cake".

    In this work the method of scenery of glass by causing on the surface of colorless sheet glass of even layer of glassy coverage thickness 0,05-0,1mm was tested.

    For subsequent facilitation of process of growing and grade of glass shallow, subjected to the fusion of glass mass frittovaniyu "on water". The received granules were ground to the complete passing through the sieve 0063.

    Powder that appeared as a result of grade, on sheet glass was inflicted by two methods: by evaporation through a sieve and by causing of the paste prepared from glass powder and connective. As connective a kanifolno-skipidarnuyu mastic was used.

    For fixing of the painted layer of the fusible painted glass, standards were exposed to heating at temperatures 600 and 650°C.

    As a result of heat treatment at 650°C on ordinary sheet glass brilliant, well evaporation tapes of the painted glasses, description of which is resulted in the table 2, were got. At 600°C melt back and fixing of steklopokritiy is insufficient.

             Tablitsa2-Harakteristika painted steklopokritiy

    On a basis
    2,5% 5% 7,5%
    It is worked. catalyst. : GO-70-
    Fenstergray RAL 7040
    The Group 1
    Signalgrau RAL 7004
    The Group 1
    Fehgray RAL 7000
    The Group 1
    It is worked. catalyst. :GIAP--3-6Н
    Blassgruen RAL 6021
    The Group 3
    Signalgruen RAL 6032
    The Group 4
    Verkehrsgruen RAL 6024
    The Group 5
    Chromic wastes of leather productions.
    Farngruen RAL 6025
    The Group 5
    Gelbruen RAL 6018
    The Group 6
    Laubgruen RAL 6002
    The Group 7



    Conclusion: using wastes of production, containing dyeing components, fully beautiful colors descriptions providing the decorativeness of glass products are received. Thus it should be noted that the use of these men-caused materials as dyes decides the problem of their rational utilization and allows decreasing negative influence on the ecological state of environment.



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    5. http://www.erudition.ru/referat/ref/id.22057_1.html - Курсовая: Бор-свинец-силикатные стекла
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