ÿþ <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> Master of Donetsk National Technical Univercity Anastassiya Malashenkova </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY link=white alink=white vlink=white> <TABLE align=center width=840 height=57 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 border=1 bgcolor=#DC9AF4 bordercolor=#5A62AA> <TR> <TD align=left width=260 height=51><IMG SRC="logo.jpg"></TD> <TD align=center width=310 height=51><A HREF="http://masters.donntu.edu.ua/index_e.html"> <FONT size=3 face="Garamond" color=#2A08A5><B><U>MASTER'S PORTAL DONNTU</U></B></FONT></A></TD> <TD align=center><A HREF="http://donntu.edu.ua/english/main.php"> <FONT size=3 face="Garamond" color=#2A08A5><B><U>SITE DONNTU</U></B></FONT></A></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE align=center border=0 width=840 height=106 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4> <TR> <TD background="../nebo.jpg" align=left><FONT size=5 color=white face="Bookman Old Style"><B>Master DonNTU<BR><I>Anastassiya<BR>Malashenkova </I></B></FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE align="center" border=1 width=840 height=500 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 bordercolor=#2A08A5> <TR> <TD bgcolor=#EFE1F8> <table width=650 height=60 border=1 bordercolor=#2A08A5><TR><TD><font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=4><P align="center"><B>CURRICULUM VITAE</B></P></TD></TR> </TABLE> <table width=650 height=106 border=1 bordercolor=#2A08A5> <tr> <td width=275,5><font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=3>Name: <BR>Surname:<BR>Address: <BR> Telephone: <BR> Date of birth: <BR> Place of birth:<BR> Marital status: <BR> Nationality:</font> </td> <td><font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=3>Anastassiya Victorovna <BR>Malashenkova <BR> 78 Karla Libknehta <BR> 8-095-428-87-31 <BR> 25.06.1984 <BR> town Makeevka Donetsk region Ukraine <BR>Single <BR> Russian </font></td> </tr> <table width=650 height=60 border=1 bordercolor=#2A08A5> <TR><TD><font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=4>Education and training</font></TD></TR> </TABLE> <table width=650 height= 206 border=1 bordercolor=#2A08A5> <tr> <td width=275,5><font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=3> September 1991 - June 2001<BR><BR><BR> September 2001 - June 2005 <BR> Qualification: <BR>September 2005 - February 2007<BR> Qualification: <BR>Skills: <BR> Computer literacy: <BR> Languages: <BR><BR> September 2002 - June 2005 </font> </td> <td> <font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=3> Secondary school !11<BR> town Makeevka Donetsk region Ukraine <BR> the Diploma with excellence <BR> Donetsk National Technical University <BR> a Bachelor Degree of Ecology with excellence <BR> Donetsk National Technical University <BR> a Master's Degree of Ecology <BR>Good typing skills, organizational skills <BR>Computer's user, Internet user, e-mail <BR> Native Russian, Ukrainian, professional level of French, can read, translate and speak English <BR> Courses of English at DNTU </font> </td> </tr> </table> <table width=650 height=60 border=1 bordercolor=#2A08A5><TR><TD><font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=4>Interests</font></TD></TR></table> <table width=650 height=100 border=1 bordercolor=#2A08A5> <tr> <td width=275,5><font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=3> Social:<BR> <BR><BR>Cultural: <BR>Sporting: <BR> Reference:</font> </td> <td> <font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=3> Participating in different scientific et linguistic conferences and olympiads of students at the University (diplomas and two 2-d places) <BR>Literature, theatre, chess <BR> Dances <BR> References are available on request </font> </td> </tr> </table> <table width=650 height=100 border=1 bordercolor=#2A08A5><tr> <td width=275,5><font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=4><B>Theme of master's work:</B></font></td><td><font color=#2A08A5 face="Bookman Old Style" size=3>"Improvement of the technology of the preparation and of the utilization of rolling's scale with oil"</font></td> </tr> </table> </TD> <TD align=left valign=top width=190 ROWSPAN=2 bgcolor=#DC9AF4> <IMG SRC="09.jpg" align=center> <p><BR><IMG SRC="../knopka.jpg"><A HREF="../indexe.htm"> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4 color=black> <U>Home</U> </FONT></A><BR> <IMG SRC="../knopka.jpg"><A HREF="../ind/indexe.htm"> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4 color=black> <U>The Vyrt chess</U> </FONT></A> <P><BR><A HREF="index.htm"><center><IMG SRC="../klik_ru.jpg"></center></A><BR> <A HREF="indexu.htm"><center><IMG SRC="../klik_ua.jpg"></center></A><BR> <A HREF="indexe.htm"><center><IMG SRC="../klik_en.jpg"></center></A><BR> <A HREF="indexf.htm"><center><IMG SRC="../klik_fr.jpg"></center></A><BR> <BR><P><BR></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE align=center border=0 width=840 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 > <TR> <TD align=center><BR><FONT face="Bookman Old Style" size=4 color=#3876D0><B><I>Materials on the theme of master's work:</I></B></FONT><BR><BR></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE align=center border=0 width=840 height=35 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TR> <TD bgcolor=#5A62AA> <TABLE align=center width=836 height=31 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 border=1 background="../nebo_mal.jpg"> <TR> <TD align=center><A HREF="../library/index.htm"><FONT size=4 face="Garamond" color=#8DCEE4><B><U>LIBRARY</U></B></FONT></A></TD> <TD align=center><A HREF="../links/index.htm"><FONT size=4 face="Garamond" color=#8DCEE4><B><U>LINKS</U></B></FONT></A></TD> <TD align=center><A HREF="../diss/index.htm"><FONT size=4 face="Garamond" color=#8DCEE4><B><U>ABSTRACT</U></B></FONT></A></TD> <TD align=center><A HREF="../links/zvit.htm"><FONT size=4 face="Garamond" color=#8DCEE4><B><U>REPORT ABOUT THE SEARCH</U></B></FONT></A></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>