
I'm Kravchenko Anna Petrovna
Master of Physical-Metallurgical Faculty
Group IMM-01

Theme of master work: "Influence of temper at the stability nonequilibrium structures in nickel-chromium roller steels"

Supervisor: Associated Professor Marchuk Sergey Igorevich

I was born on July, 26, 1984 in Donetsk, Ukraine. In 1991 I was entered at school №44 in Donetsk. After seven years study I was entered at the Donetsk technical lyceum, where I was studied four years. When I finished the lyceum in 2001, I passed my entrance exams on rating system and was entered at the Donetsk National Technical University, Physical-Metallurgical Faculty, Department Physical Material Science. Five years at the university is unforgettable time for me, because in this time I met my friends and many other interesting people, did my first steps in science and became much realize (осознанно) watch on my life.

When I was studied on fourth course I took part in the conference devoted to day of Science on Physical-Metallurgical Faculty, where won the first diploma for best report. After this conference I gave a report on IV International conference of students and young erudits (молодых ученых) "Application of new materials, constructions, techno-logies and decisions of economic problems of nature formation and environment protection", where I receive diploma for active participation.

An article "Influence of changes in chemistry at structure and properties nickel-chromium roller steels" was published in 8th number of collection of materials scientific-technical conference of students and erudits Physical-Metallurgical Faculty (April, 26, 2005) and in

You can find me: 83016 Ukraine, Donetsk region,
Donetsk, Kirov str. 34/12,
tel. +38 0622 662494