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Master DonNTU Sergienko Uljana

Sergienko Uljana

The ecology and chemical technology faculty

speciality: Management of ecological safety

To magisters work on theme: " Engineering system of atmospheric air pollution monitoring in Donetsk by sulfur dioxide "

The scientific chief: Belyaeva Irina

Biography Library Report about the search Individual task Links

The abstract

To magisters work on theme:
" Engineering system of atmospheric air pollution monitoring in Donetsk by sulfur dioxide "

The Donetsk area concerns to the most ecologically intense regions of Ukraine. In structure of industrial potential of region 78 % ecologically dangerous manufactures borrow.

In atmospheric air of city of Donetsk more than 70 polluting substances are thrown out.

For definition of polluting substance, which is most dangerous for an environment, were designed òåõíîãåííûå of number for each polluting substance, and is constructed a òåõíîãåííûé spectrum, which has shown, that the greatest negative influence on an environment renders of sulfur dioxide, though us volumes are less than for a dust and îêñèäà of carbon. It is explained to its greater poisones.

In this connection, for improvement of quality of atmospheric air, first of all, it is necessary to develop measures on reduction of emissions of sulfur dioxide. For this purpose originally it is necessary to lead monitoring of atmospheric air on of sulfur dioxide, where it is necessary to reveal the basic sources of emissions, to analyse the tendency of their change, to consider possible chemical transformations of sulfur dioxide in an environment, to specify the locations of stationary posts of the control of atmospheric air on city, to develop mathematical models for forecasting concentration of sulfur dioxide in atmospheric air depending on volumes of emissions and usual meteorological conditions.

Sulfur of dioxide basically is thrown out in atmospheric air by stationary sources, the contribution of mobile sources is small - makes less than 0,5 %.

To allocate the periods of the highest pollution of atmospheric air of Donetsk by sulfur dioxide, desicpud the diagrams of an annual course of concentration dioxide were which observed in the winter period was determined, that the greatest levels of pollution of atmospheric air. It is explained by a plenty of fogs and days with haze, which to be prevent form dispersion of sulfur dioxide. Proceeding from this, for development of mathematical model of dependence of concentration of sulfur dioxide (c) in atmospheric air, from aquifer conditions, the data of the winter and summer period of 2004 were taken.

In quality predicators were chosen: temperature of air (t), speed of a wind (v), quantity(amount) of deposits (osad), complex parameter of meteorological conditions of pollution (muz), and inertial factor (P), as which is taken concentration dioxide of sulfur for the previous day.

By data processing on the method of multiple regress with use of the program Statgraphics the following mathematical models were received. In the final equations are specified not all predicators, as the factors at them have not turned out important, for the given confidential probability.

For the winter period:
c = - 0,0114352 + 0,0156554* sqrt (osad) + 0,509046 * Ð - 0,000728804 * t - 0,00109532 * osad * t
R2 = 70,45 %

For the summer period:
c = 0,00230653 - 0,000792889 * sqrt (osad) + 0,000315812 * v^2 - 0,0000515899 * v * t
R2 = 26,44 %

The analysis of the received mathematical models shows, that in the summer period the greatest influence renders quantity(amount) of deposits and temperature of air, but in the winter period these ïðåäèêòîðû have higher weights.

In Donetsk the meteorological parameters are defined only on one post ¹1, located in area of the airport, and these data are distributed to other stationary posts of selection of tests. Thus it is not taken into account, that in city the microclimate is created, that is connected to building of city and heated up emissions of the enterprises. It brings in an essential error by development of mathematical models by definition of levels of pollution of atmospheric air.

For the analysis of existing system of monitoring were counted of a zone of influence of the enterprises, thrown out of sulfur äèîêñèä. The account was carried out with the help of the program " EOL + ".

The zone of influence of the enterprise is that distance from the enterprise on which concentration of substance no more than 0,05 LMC.

It was determined, that the greatest zones of influence have the large industrial enterprises: "Donetskkoks", "Istil", "Donetskstal", " Donetsk metal works ". The settlement zones of influence of the large enterprises were put on a map of city (fig. 1).

1 – "Istil", 2 – "Donetskstal", 3 – " Donetsk metal works ", 18 – "Donetskkoks" 1 site, 19 – "Donetskkoks" 2 site, 20 – "Donetskkoks" 3 site

Figure 4 - Map of. Donetsk with zones of influence of the enterprises on of sulfur dioxide

It is marked, that the zones of influence of these enterprises are blocked, that results in increase of concentration of sulfur dioxide per days with adverse meteorological conditions. In this zone all gets practically. Donetsk, the city centre is especial.

As the most effective way of protection from action of sulfur dioxide it is necessary to consider significant reduction of its emissions. It can be achieved by several methods, but for one Donetsk the most suitable method is technological of the decision, for example regulation of processes of burning with the help of addition, which promotes linkage of sulfur dioxide in CaSO3.

In some cases the application of wet process - departing gases bubble through a solution èçâåñòíÿêà is possible, in a consequence it it turns out sulphite or calcium sulfate. The most part of sulfur thus leaves.

DonNTU> Masters DonNTU> Biography Library Report about the search Individual task Links