Abstract of dissertation
to masters work on the theme:

"The studying of influense of heavy metals in the mine waters on the environment of Donetsk"

Author: Mihalskaya Evgeniya, the scientific leader: Chudaeva G. V.

     The degree man-caused loads on surrounding ambience Donetsk in solving measure is conditioned by general contamination not only to account of the operation its industrial enterprises, but also on the whole the enterprises in Donetsk region. The main source of the contamination of Donetsk are metallurgical and three coke chemical plants, located in the regions close to the centre. Besides, the big contribution to surges of the city contribute the enterprises to coal industry, boiler and burning rock mouldboards.

     The heavy metals are present in many component surrounding ambiences of the city Donetsk. They enter in atmosphere man-caused by way to account surge at incineration hard, fluid fuel, coking coal, at incineration of the home rubbish and others Big part departure industrial and communal-home activity concentrate these elements a garb with many others.

     For town aglomeration with high concentration production, high density of the population and developed transport network, which is Donetsk man-caused geochemical anomalies of heavy metal stand out on the general field raised contents chemical element. Industrial landscape enterprise influence on geological ambience is expressed in intensive contamination containing sorts, ground, surrface and underground water biological objects.

     From coal mines each day is pumped 2 - 3 thousand and more m3 mine water. The amount of water, subjecting to removing, depends on hydravlical the conditions layers useful fossilized, as well as scale of the mountain enterprise.

     Mine water are formed from accompanyinging water atmospheric mainly and underground origin, polluted in consequence of water erosion useful fossilized. The composition of mine water changes in broad range depending on is blazed-geological, hydrological and technological conditions. Such water contains mineral (the small parts of sand, clays, coal), organic and bacterial (the different microorganisms, mushrooms, microbes) of the contamination. Presence heavy metal is discovered In trace element composition moreover often their contents exceeds at most possible concentrations. The Study of the distribution heavy metal in underground and ground water Donetsk region allows to reveal the row an hydrogeochemical anomaly.

     The data got as a result of undertaking the analysis of mine water different mountain enterprise Donetsk, show the excess PAC on heavy metal in 1,5 - 2 times. The reduction concentration exists at rain periods that is conditioned by increase amount atmospheric precipitation, which directly influence upon process of the shaping the composition of underground water, diluting them. The springtime to concentrations heavy metal vastly exceed PAC that is connected with reinforcement of the feeding ground water and change their chemical composition to account of the melting of the snow cover. Contamination last stright depends on composition of the atmospheric air that certainly follows to take in attention when undertaking the analysis and conclution result.

     So possible draw a conclusion that some anomalies heavy metal in ground water Donetsk have a natural nature, however shaping majority from bottom, particularly in industrial developed region is caused man-caused process.

     The got data require the person of attention in connection with danger of the deterioration quality underground water, in consequence of arrival toxic heavy metal in concentration, exceeding PAC. Follows to note that this phenomena is not limited only by contamination underground space since in consequence of natural processes, as well as under pumping-up mine water on surface, heavy metals fall into surrface water and upper layer of ground, which are directly connected with food chain, but therefore can grow worse normal biological activity an animal and person as high food chain.

     The absence of the united approach to problem of the study of the contamination surrounding ambiences heavy metal to account of their arrival with mine water, absence complex methodical managament restrains the possibility to normalizations of the ecological situation in Donestk and as a whole in all Donetsk region.

     The unset unrefined mine water will bring about that that are exhausted possibility of the simultaneous use natural water object as the source of the provision by fresh water and to collector network for unset polluted sewer. That will finally bring about deficit of fresh water.